Hall & Committee
THE VILLAGE HALL was originally the old Victorian school attended by a number of existing residents before it closed in 1951. In 1981 a few villagers formed a committee to purchase the old school and its grounds with the intention of providing a meeting place for the community.
A new kitchen was built in 2005 and a new entrance and large storeroom were added in 2008. These works were funded by local money-raising events and by grants from the district and county councils plus other charitable organisations.
The hall is managed by a committee and is well supported by both Loxhore residents and others from the locality. It is used most days by groups and clubs which offer activities to interest a wide variety of tastes. It is also available for private hire.
The Hall also owns Crocker’s Well Hydraulic Ram, Lower Loxhore. This was acquired on 12 August 1996.
- Chair: Linda Matthews
- Vice Chair: Andrew Muxworthy
- Secretary: Kim Seggons
- Treasurer: Suzanne Smith
- Bookings secretary: Sue Bishop
Other Village Committee Members
- Mens Skittles: David Webber
- Ladies Skittles: Kim Seggons
- Parish Council: Carole Delve
- Yoga: Carole Delve
- Bridge: Jeya Harrington
- Art: Linda Matthews
- Mens Skittles: Wayland Rogers
- Dog Agility: Tess Seggons
- Short Mat Bowls: Position to be filled
In addition to the officers listed above, the committee comprises representatives of each of the groups that meet regularly at the hall.
The committee members have the responsibility for the day to day running of the hall including its maintenance and its finances. A variety of social events are organised throughout the year. These are advertised in the community newsletter, the Loxhore Lines, and by posters on the three village noticeboards.
Please come along and meet your ‘neighbours’; you will be made very welcome.